Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah GA
A Wonderful View...
As much as I like traveling and all of the hustle and bustle, I do enjoy quiet moments in the thick of things - even if it seems there isn't time to rest.
Part of going to new places is that very excitement or feeling of anxiousness for the unknown.
Taking photos, visiting landmarks and other important places is all a part of that.

Walking through this gorgeous old cemetery in Savannah GA exemplified that feeling.

Beautiful Live Oaks with the moss intertwining in the branches - hanging down over the long roads and pathways. Now that is serenity.
What a beautiful place.
Peaceful and relaxing.

Yes, through all the planning and walking...there is a wonderful view.

Fenced family grave sites

Old places...
Resting places.
A time when a family may have gone to great lengths to see that in death they would still show as people of possible status and importance.

Many of the old stones and statuary in this cemetery have stories behind them. Just as all cemeteries do.
This seems to be a place where people are wanting to listen...

Searching for something along the way - sometimes what you are looking for is right there in front of you.


  1. I want to be strolling down this gorgeous road and into this graceful cemetery. Your shot of the live oaks just takes me away. I guess that's what a good photo does; elicits a strong emotional response.

    I honestly don't think I could keep going for as many days as you have, but I'm enjoying your trip immensely from my chair.

  2. I just love photos of any cemetary, and this is almost haunting. Love of course the moss hanging down, it's a walk into the past.


Let me know what you think!