Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Red Line @ Grand
Different Experiences... 
It is a wonderful thing to do what your normally do not do.
I know you cannot always be on some exciting adventure. You have to attend to 'life' and it just wouldn't be as exciting I suppose if you always were off doing new things.

I just am drawn to images that have conflicting lines or draw interesting parallels. 
If you look closely you will see that the tiles reflect the city skyline. Nice touch.
This shot is going down to the Red Line. 

Just the style of the terminal is appealing right away.
It is almost as if you are taken into another era.

I was impressed with the fact that it was very clean; albeit a little warm...well, we were underground so... Once we were on the train it was better. They are climate controlled so there was a relief.
I love the lines of the arm-rails against the stairs.
Off to something different...

CloudGate (a.k.a.the Bean) @ night

Different Settings...
Getting good night shots can be a bit tricky.
They tell you a tripod is almost a must and I agree. You just cannot physically hold the camera steady enough for those seconds! Even 3-5 seconds is a touchy thing.
I got lucky here because there is enough background light I suppose. It is a gamble.
Tripods do work best...but when you are just walking (and yes, I packed my tripod!) you take what you can get. Even after all we did today, I still walked the 6 blocks and back to see this at night! :)

The city takes on a different look at night - the buildings become even more 3-D like. 
All that beautiful stone work and metal. It just comes alive.

Crown Fountain @ night
Different Faces...
Another interesting feature in this park is this fountain. 
Yes, there is water flowing down over this face.
The images on the screen change over time and sometimes there is water that appears to come out of the mouths of the different people.
It is intriguing to sit and watch.

We visited this both in the daytime and again tonight. I wanted to see the changes in the look from light to dark.

I found it impressive the way the sculpture with the screen towers over this very shallow pond. What I am not showing is the other sculpture directly across from this one. There are two of these sculptures - facing each other and with different images.
A definite must-see.


  1. So happy you are enjoying your trip. I am pooped just reading about the miles and hours you are putting in. Especially like your night shots. My husband was not particularly interested in seeing the bean. Now, I am! Thanks.

  2. I so agree with your way of thinking: if you keep doing exciting things, it won't be so exciting anymore. Enter the word 'jaded'.....I find the photo of the fountain very intriguing and fascinating. Makes you wonder what the artist wanted to say with it. Very interesting.


Let me know what you think!