Thursday, April 18, 2013

Setting out...
A  jump - I like how I worked this one

On a mission. Well. Sort of.

I needed some shots of freezing action. I wanted to do something interesting and maybe a bit different.
We have a nice skate park in my city. A well-known skate boarders grew up here - so he came back and helped with this park. (his parents still live here) This is a one of a kind park from what I read.
I was pleasantly surprised how co-operative the boarder I was shooting was during this. He kept going and going. He did pretty good from what I know! (which isn't a lot when it comes to boarding)

I enjoyed being there in the action. I had a vision of what I wanted and have yet to get all of it. There are many ways to shoot a boarder and I didn't use all of my options.

adding a flip

I wanted to get a feel for it first and maybe gain some trust. I think I did both. I want the boarders to feel comfortable with me there shooting along. 
So far, so good.

This guy was happy to help and he was friendly - I told him I would be back and I will. I will take with me some printed out shots for him. 
And then I will work on my project in mind.
I am always thinking...and it makes life much more interesting.

I have so many more photos from this shoot. Nothing super spectacular. (that translates into= I need better gear. LOL) I am still working and learning. But I am getting there! This one below is nice with the sky in the back. I will post more soon. Enjoy :)

up in the air

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1 comment:

  1. cute jumps, and very cute journaling. Can't help smiling at your 'thinking' and gaining trust.


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