Thursday, January 17, 2013

While walking... 
Boston's in the Arena District

you can see so many different things. I always find something to capture and I am usually glad I did.
I worked this photo several ways but felt this was what I liked best. The other was a bit more washed out or bright. I like the skies when they have more character to them.
Then again, I like the actual sky to be bright and blue - with some sun is one way to live through it with a different perspective. hahaha
This is a nice area in Columbus. I enjoy taking different shots of what it has to offer...and the places to eat are pretty good too!

I think we need to go back there. Maybe to the market across the way or to Ted's to get a good steak. Urban fun - right there. For now? It's a bit chilly for the walking.
Warmer weather...we are waiting on you!

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  1. it looks deserted there on the corner. Not sure if you want to bring out that feeling but it's quiet and lonely and yet I love the colors, of course.

  2. I definitely like the way this turned out; really makes the sky seem like it's part of the scene, not just a background way off in the distance. I like the strong colors. That, along with the structure give the environment a feeling of substance. Great that the street is not cluttered with people.


Let me know what you think!