Friday, May 24, 2013

Favorite places... 

View from the Rookwood, Cinc'y OH

One of my favorite places to visit is in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Up atop the ridge after a nice dinner at the Rookwood (famous for the pottery years ago) you can grasp an extraordinary view of the city in part.

I was able to capture the sun was almost too late. Next time I will get out there earlier. The 'Tiara' building is always impressive and the traffic swirls around the city at a lazy pace during this time of day. I believe that there was a ballgame in process at the stadium at the time.

A Triptych in 'fishes'
Which way is which?
From urban streets to the great outdoors.
Which fish is going where?
I knew once the catch of the day was put out on the table that I just needed to do something with it. Normally fishermen would string the catch and hang it and then photograph it. Of course that wouldn't do.

I went for a different look. All around at that too.
I liked the motion this triptych displays and yet not all the 'fishes' are going the same way. To some that might be not right. And in a way I agree. 
Should I have arranged these in way so they looked as though they were all swimming together? Probably. At least for that shot. But alas the fishermen were impatient and these needed to be filleted and processed. So with gloves on, a step ladder and long table...I proceeded to arrange them quickly. ALL 50 of these, and climb the ladder and get shooting. Slimey things these were....all Crappies. Both varieties. Upon closer inspection there is actually a lot of detail in the fish...

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  1. omg, you can't be serious??????? hahahah, now this is just awesome. The fish shots.....and the thought of you climbing the ladder. Fantastic catch (both in the catch and the shot) and I admire the way you are actually looking at the results.

  2. Ah, you are a true photographer; willing to mess with those dead fish. The result is an impressive presentation that would look fantastic displayed behind the counter in the market. I appreciate the purposeful pattern. After watching my koi swim for years, I know their arrangements are orderly. I love your desire to practice and further your craft.


Let me know what you think!